Posted by: aburne | October 1, 2010

Adult Playground in Brasov

On Friday I had to kill time for a couple of hours when I was up in the Brasov station and ended up taking a stroll in the park behind the station.

The last time I was walking in this park it was very dirty and run down. But since then the Brasov City have built this Ice Hockey Stadium. Ice Hockey seems to be very popular in Romania as in most of Eastern Europe. I know this stadium is quite controversial as it cost a lot of money to build when the economy was broke.

Below: The new Ice Hockey Stadium

However the stadium is built to a high standard and they have also invested a lot of money in the park in relaying the walk ways and planting trees. Actually looks very nice now so congratulations to the Mayor.

Below: The Adults “Play” Area

Also to my surprise I came to an Adults play ground. Yip you get the kids play ground but this one certainly is an adults play ground. They have put a lot of weight machines in the park so who needs a gym when you have this mini gym in the park.

Below: One of the Exercise machines in the park

I just hope it takes off, a few people were playing about with the machines when I was there… but lets hope they are well looked after.

Below: Someone trying to keep fit

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